© 2023 money:care GmbHDisclaimerThe information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer, recommendation, or investment advice to buy or sell financial instruments. Nor may they or any part of them be used as a basis for concluding a contract. They have been adopted in good faith from publicly accessible sources. No liability can be assumed for their accuracy. Any financial instrument referred to in this information and documents may be unsuitable for the respective investor to whom it is addressed. The recipients of such information and documents are responsible for independently evaluating and reviewing the products, assets, and financial instruments mentioned therein. Investors must make their own assessment of the suitability of the financial instruments mentioned herein based on the benefits and risks associated with the acquisition of the products, as well as on the basis of their own investment strategy and their legal, tax, and financial situation. Should readers use the content offered or follow any advice, they act on their own responsibility.Price data is provided by Eulerpool Research Systems.